Monday, February 21, 2005

Short Visit

Hey there. Come on in, take your boots off and have a seat over there while I hang up your jacket. Yup. Right next to the fireplace. Can I get you a warm drink to take off the chill? Coffee? Hot cocoa? Tea? Are you sure? Really, it is no problem. How about a bowl of soup or chili to warm your bones. You say you just want some water? Great, I'll be right back.

Here ya go. Let me know when you need a refill. How about this weather? Couple of days ago, we are out in our shorts and tees. Now, we got snow piling up.

I don't know, you tell me. Why do we live here? :-)

Now, let's get caught up. What has it been? Only a couple of weeks or so, I think. Sure feels longer than that.

Yes, I am still training for the Buffalo marathon. And no, this was a rest week, so there was no long run. Here, let me throw some numbers at ya to get you up to date. Last time we talked, I filled you in on everything up through the 6th, so I'll start there.

For the week of Monday, February 7th, through Sunday the 13th (week 5 of the plan), I got in all the scheduled runs. Monday, of course, was a rest day with 5 milers on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The plan calls for less than 5 on Wednesday and Thursday, but I just can't bring myself to go less than my so-called base on the week days. Saturdays are different because it is the day before a long run but on weekdays, the 5 mile milk run is just what I do. So, back to the week. Friday was the other rest day of the week and Saturday was a scheduled 3 miler. I was able to pull off both those two days without a hitch! Friday was tough, but thanks to years of training, I was able to get it in without any problems. Sunday was a long 12 miles. Everything started out fine as I took off on the B'ville Turkey Trot 10 mile loop. However, I did have some lower GI issues (yet again) and when Wendy came out on the course to replenish my water at 7.5 miles, I hitched a ride with her. We came home, I took care of business and went right back out on the road to get the full 12 miles in.

Yea, I know, I do need to get a handle on that. Believe me, after the Wineglass experience, I know what will happen out there if I can't resolve some of these issues. I think I'm almost there but I don't want to say much more than that just yet.

So, the week of the 14th through the 20th, the 6th week of the training plan: Everything went great, according to plan. Monday: rest. Tuesday and Wednesday: 5 miles each (plan called for 4 both days). Thursday: 6 (according to the schedule). Rest on Friday. The plan calls for 5 milers each day on Saturday and Sunday. I ran the B'ville Turkey Trot 5 mile course both days. With the little bit extra from my home to their starting line, I actually did 5.7 miles each day. I even took a peak at my pace, which I haven't been paying too much attention to. With my little groin issue, I've been ignoring the clock. I do still have a little nagging issue there and some days I worry that it might grow into a show stopper. And, it's not like I heat up the pavement or anything but I just wanted to remove that aspect from my running until I felt stronger in that area. Anyhow, back to the weekend runs and the clock: I was very pleased with my pace on Saturday. There are two small "inclines" (I hate to use the word "hills" on this course) on the last mile. I kinda thought I had a decent time going so I went at the hills a little more aggressively than I normally would. (Now, remember, fast for me is not the same as fast for you.) It felt good to open it up a tad, tackle some inclines, and pick it up even a bit more for that last push home.

Yes, the training program does call for speed work. Usually on Tuesdays. I'm still hesitant to incorporate that aspect of the plan. I'm using my groin issue as my excuse ;-) That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So, that's that. Just in time. I see that it is time for you to go. Here, I'll take your glass and grab your coat while you slip your boots back on. Where are your gloves? You'll need them out there today. I hope it lets up so I can get caught back up with the shovelling. It feels like we have a holiday today just so we can spend the day clearing the snow.

Thanks, so much for stopping by and asking about things. We will do happy hour downtown sometime real soon. I'm in the mood for a Victory Golden Monkey. Do they still serve those at the Blue Tusk? I hope so, that's a damn fine beer.

Bye for now and I'll meet you further on up the road.

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