Week-Total-Long Run
1/30 - 34 - 8
2/06 - 29 - 11
2/13 - 30 - 12
2/20 - 27 - 6
2/27 - 33 - 15
3/06 - 29 - 7
3/13 - 37 - 16
3/20 - 36 - 11
3/27 - 40 - 19
As I've been getting ready for the Buffalo Marathon, it's been nice edging those total miles and the long run upward. My last long run of 19 miles on 3/27 was one of the best long runs I've ever had. Ever. I ran loops with stops back at home every 5.5 miles. During each loop, I drank approx 20oz of water and at each stop at home, I shot a gel plus about 4 to 6 oz of water. Also, during each loop, I sucked on two "SuperBites", sipped water each mile and walked at roughly the 3 mile mark for about 30 - 45 seconds while drinking larger gulps of water. I thought I did OK on the water but ended up losing about 4lbs. I'm going to work on that over the next couple of weeks. The next long run is scheduled for this Sunday. My plan is to do at least 19 and if I feel real good, I'll try for something in the 21 to 23 mile range. FYI, this week (week 13) of the original plan calls for 22 miles.
A couple of days ago, I posted a question about training and nutrition to a local message board at Fleet Feet Syracuse I was very pleased with all the replies that I received; some were even on topic and helpful :-) Some of the replies squared off into different opinions about "long long runs" versus "shorter long runs". I'm discovering that right now, as long as my body supports me, I'm tending toward the longer long run camp. I think I'm more confident when I know that I have already covered the distance (or near the distance) during my training runs.
I've also been running the Mountain Goat training runs every other week (when I don't have a long run scheduled). They are tons o' fun with more runners than some local races get in the summer!
Well, I need to wrap this up, post it and get my fat ass to bed. Like always, I'll try to post again real soon.
'till next time when I'll meet you further on up the road ...